Your dog is your family, and including your dog in family photos is important! That being said, it can also be a big task to get your dog prepared…especially if you have kids too. Here are some tips for making your photo session with your dog as easy as possible.
Getting to a location and realizing you left something important at home is the worst feeling. Some of my favorite things to bring to a photo session when dogs are involved are:
The more neutral you have your dog’s leash and collar the better. That way they wont stick out if you are in a location where you cant take off your dog’s leash. Treats are they best way to get your dog to pay attention and look at the camera when you want them to! A water and travel water bowl are a must, especially if we will be walking around a ton. Wipes will help you be able to relax a little bit when it comes to your dog getting dirty. Poop bags are an obvious choice for anyone who travels with dogs. A blanket for you to sit on will come in handy when it comes to some cute poses with your dogs. It lets you and your kids sit and be more on your dog’s level without getting too dirty.
If possible, bring someone to help hold your dog if you don’t want them to be in every photo. It’s always nice to have someone to hold all the stuff you packed and be in charge of making sure your dog is comfortable while you could be distracted by other things. A dog handler helps out a lot more than you would think!
Animals pick up on how you are feeling, so try to just enjoy yourself! You brought your wipes and blanket for a reason. Let your dog lighten the mood of the photoshoot and just go with the flow. Let your kids run around and play with your dog, let yourself run around and have actual fun. The photos you get will reflect how much fun you are having as a family instead of the most stiff shots you get when you are nervous. Don’t let yourself get flustered if someone starts to act up, your photographer will still get great candid shots even if everyone is running around.
This is the perfect opportunity to get some professional photos of your family in your own environment. The backyard would be an easy way to include your dog in your family photos. One of my favorite things is looking back at photos of houses I lived in as a kid. Those photos stick around even when the physical spaces don’t. Being at home also makes your life a lot easier if your dog doesn’t travel well.
Families change so quickly, make sure you don’t miss out on the way your family looks now…including your pets!
If you are ready to book your session CLICK HERE to set it up.
If you want to check out more cute dog photos check out my Instagram HERE
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