We had a cake smash photoshoot for my daughter River, and I loved how the photos turned out! I love seeing the super themed cake smash sessions, but there is also something to be said about doing something simple too.
The colors are the theme for this session. I chose some yellows, the greens in the trees, gold, the off white in her outfit. Then my oldest daughter wanted River to have a Nightmare Before Christmas balloon so we did that too. She is an October baby so it fits! If you want to get some ideas for cake smash photo session color themes, check out my Pinterest for more inspiration.
River ended up kind of hating having cake all over her hands! But, we still got some great pictures that showed how things really happened. I think including the behind the scenes pictures and telling the complete story is way more fun than just having the photos of River smiling at the camera. Including her older sisters will give them all something to look back on together and laugh about.
We had our dogs out in our yard with us and River thought it was hilarious that they kept trying to eat her cake. That is another benefit to having your cake smash photo session in your own back yard! It adds a little bit of your own personal life, and you can include your pets. Our kids love looking back at photos from our old houses, and honestly, I have always found that my favorite photos to look back at my childhood include familiar settings.
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